Discrimination, violence and harassment of any kind are strictly prohibited in our workplace.

This policy is adopted in accordance with Articles 9 & 10 of Greek Law 4808/2021. It applies to all employees of our company with a contract of dependent work, provision of services, temporary employment, as well as to practical trainees.

Basic policy positions

Our company implements and observes all measures related to the implementation of the provisions of Greek Law 4808/2021 and shows particular sensitivity and zero tolerance in dealing with and eliminating phenomena of violence, discrimination, intimidation, harassment of any nature and form that may appear in her workplace.

It adopts and focuses on a working environment with respect for human dignity, and for this reason expresses its commitment to prevent passive harassment behaviors due to gender, ethnic origin, and sexual orientation. This policy prohibits any kind of discrimination, violence and harassment in its workplace. The workplace is defined as the headquarters of the company as well as the territory-wide projects it undertakes.

Field of application

This Policy applies to all employees of our company, regardless of their place of work at the company's head office or in any of its branches or operations anywhere in the world.

This policy applies in parallel with the existing general legislation for the protection of the personality of the employee and does not affect his legal rights at the level of civil and criminal legislation.

Every employee or worker in our company must observe and fully comply with this Policy.

Basic applicable rules

Our company strictly implements for all its employees a working environment free of violence, discrimination, intimidation and harassment of any kind that contradict Greek, European and international legislation. There is a strong will to act continuously to combat violence and harassment in the workplace, with the aim of providing peace of mind to its employees, which in turn will lead to its smooth operation.

As a general rule, all forms of violence, intimidation and harassment, occurring in the course of work or related to or resulting from work, including gender-based violence and harassment and sexual harassment, are expressly and strictly prohibited.

What should be strictly avoided

Sexual comments, comments about external appearance, insults, stalking, unwanted verbal attack against a person, sending messages with sexual content via SMS, e-mail, verbal threats or gestures, and in general any act has consequences unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance and consequently creates a hostile and offensive environment.


Our company undertakes to comply with the obligation to prohibit retaliation against any affected person.

Policy compliance officers

Our company, for the information of its employees and within the limits of its capabilities, has created the appropriate tools for the process of receiving and examining their written complaints, which will be submitted to the Manager (Secretariat, Project, Team).

The persons who have submitted reports will be informed about the receipt of the report, and at regular intervals about the progress of the examination of their report.

Any employee or employee who believes that he or she is associated with, is a potential victim of, or is becoming a victim of sexual or other unwanted harassment in the workplace must report, so that an internal investigation can follow.

Reports of misconduct will be accepted in writing, by name or anonymously, and will be promptly and thoroughly investigated.

The company will treat all complaint incidents with absolute confidentiality and discretion.